Assam Circle Offers New Super Saving Plans- Family pack and Jeevan Sathi plan 2025 [Complete Guide]


February 19, 2025

Assam Circle New Super Saving Plans

Assam Circle New Super Saving Plans: BSNL is Government sponsored network agency which is offering Telecommunication services including International facilities, mobile prepaid and post paid recharge facilities, mobile internet facilities etc. It is famous to offer affordable plans to their customers so they can avail low cost internet facilities. Currently the BSNL is offering new super saving plans for people living in Assam circle. These Assam Circle New Super Saving Plans are providing discounts to the existing BSNL users to apply for new postpaid recharge.

If you are also living in Assam circle and want to get the benefit of Assam Circle BSNL super saving plans 2025 then can read this article. It will help you to understand the conditions and offers of Jeevan sathi pack and family pack. 

BSNL super saving Jeevansathi offer 

The Jeevan Sathi offer is prepared for those individuals who are already using the BSNL postpaid plans in their smartphone in Assam circle. It will allow the existing user of BSNL to apply for a new connection for the same plan on other mobile phone. Only spouse of the applicant is able to benefit from the Jeevansathi offer.

For example, If you are male and using the BSNL SIM card in your mobile phone then you can purchase the new BSNL SIM card for your wife in Assam state. Under the BSNL super saving Jeevansathi plan, the applicant is only required to pay 25% amount of the bill for new connections. 

For example, if a person is already using the BSNL postpaid plan of 100 rupees per month and applying for a new connection under the jeevan sathi plan then he will need to pay only 125 rupees (100 rs for existing user and 25 rs is 25% of 100 rs plan). So instead of paying 200 rupees for 2 plans, you only need to pay 125 rs. The program will follow same discount facility for all the plans in BSNL for postpaid users. 

BSNL super saving family pack 2025

BSNL super saving family pack is introduced by BSNL or families in Assam. The offer is providing 40% discount on the postpaid plan for mobiles where maximum two members of family can apply in the BSNL new connection for mobile. It will allow families to connect using BSNL sim cards in Assam circle

For example if a person is using a BSNL SIM card in the mobile phone and wants to apply for new connections or new SIM cards for their family members then they can apply under the family pack program which will allow them 40% discount for the new connection.

If a person have a postpaid plan of 100 rupees and applying for a new connecting in Family pack program then he will need to pay only 140 rupees combinedly which will include 100 rupees for the existing user and 40 rupees as ( 40% of the Hundred rupee plan) for the new user. Since the program is offering maximum 2 plans for a family member so you if You are using Rs 100 postpaid plan and applying for two new connections of the same plan the new only need to pay 180 rupee instead of paying 300 rupees.

Benefits of Assam Circle New Super Saving Plans

  • BSNL is sending the monthly bill to the individuals according to their postpaid plan to their address, but if a person is applying for new connection then company will not issue separate bills for different connections but will calculate all the charges in a single bill.
  • It will not ask any security deposit from the individual to apply for the new connection under family pack and Jeevansathi offer in BSNL.
  • Users will able to get benefits of the Assam Circle New Super Saving Plans completely with minimum bill of 25% to 40%.

Assam circle family pack and Jeevan Sathi plans 2025

Plan NamePlan 99/100/140Plan  225One  IndiaPlan  325  Plan 490/550  Plan   525Plan 725
Monthly Rent (Fixed Charges)99/100/140225299325490525725
Jeevan Sathi Plan – One extra connection for spouse @ 25% of monthly rent
Rent for 2nd Connection25567581123131181
Total monthly rent124281374406613656906
Family Pack *: Maximum two extra connections @ 40% of monthly rent
Rent for 2nd & 3rd Conn.79180239260292420580
Total rent under plan/month1784055385858829451305

Currently the companies offering seven types of plans under the postpaid program where users can get discounted offers under Jeevansathi and family pack programs. User can get the benefit of unlimited calls under the 725 plan where they only need to pay 181 rupees for the new plan to get benefit of the same facilities in a new sim. 

These Assam Circle New Super Saving Plans program was introduced in Assam circle of BSNL in 2008 but are still in circulation and offering multiple benefits to the families and spouses accordingly. 


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